Quarantine Stories – Day 7

Friday, March 20, 2020 – Day 7 of Quarantine

After I had finished with work on Wednesday night, Becky wanted to go out to the store. We got some more stuff, but she got ice cream, which is apparently why she wanted to go out in the first place.

Then, yesterday morning, she did another run on her own to find some toilet paper. So we now have (counts) 34 spare rolls in the house. If we run out of all of those before this is over, then we’re in a lot more trouble than just Coronavirus.

And we went out again Thursday night to buy even more food. At Publix, they now have someone in the lobby thoroughly washing down the carts as they come back in. The woman there told us that they don’t have the wipes out to wipe down the carts anymore because people kept stealing them. Kroger had an entire rack stolen.


I had a therapist session yesterday via the Internet and webcam. It was a bit difficult, especially when Becky walked in on us at one point. I’m stressed out about this, for obvious reasons. I had been doing pretty well at cutting back on drinking, but this has caused it to spike up again. Ugh.


The mayor of Atlanta has ordered all bars and restaurants closed because people were still apparently crowding into them. It doesn’t affect us up here, of course, but we’ll see what happens next.


I am still trying to work on my elastic search stuff at work and still not making much progress. It’s hard for me to get anything done from home. For a lot of reasons.

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