Quarantine Stories – Day 35

Friday, April 17, 2020 – Day 35 of Quarantine

Well, obviously, I didn’t update this week.

It’s still weird. I always thought that if I had the time, I could get a lot more writing and stuff done, but somehow I’m not.

Or maybe not weird. Not that much has changed. I’m still working, and trying harder to make sure I am working so it won’t seem as if I’m slacking off. And I’m still doing my usual distractions in the evening.

And Becky keeps asking me to help her do things. A lot.

I guess I’m missing my hour or so break on the way home from work. That one hour, I had to myself. Though for a while now, I’ve been distracted there too. Hopefully, when this is all over, I’ll be able to focus more when I’m there.

Though maybe not at a bar every time. I think I’ve lost that habit.


Made two runs out this week, one on Tuesday so Becky could get her supplements and one on Friday to get groceries. I think we’re good for an entire week now.

And $200 worth of supplements? Really?

I’ve started picking up things like rice and dried beans. Just to make sure we have something if the stores close entirely for a while.


Speaking of which, there seem to be more and more vocal groups trying to get the lockdown ended and things to go back to “normal.” Some of them seem to think this isn’t as bad as the medical people are saying.

Wrong. We’ve passed 35,000 dying from this in the US. Yes, that’s only about what the flu kills every year, but the flu takes six months to do that, not one. And we got that many deaths even with everything shut down. Imagine what it would look like if everything had stayed open.

And I get it; some people need to work and can’t. They are going to be in trouble very soon. But that has less to do with the virus and more to do with the fact that we have barely any social safety nets in the US. And the few we have are being completely overwhelmed. That’s the problem we need to solve. But we won’t.


We did get out a couple of days this week and walk at lunch. Only about 20 minutes or so; about a mile-and-a-half. I didn’t make it today as I made the grocery run instead, and this weekend looks like rain. If I can’t do yard work, at least, we’re planning on finally cleaning out this office again.

Five weeks down.

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