Quarantine Stories – Day 17

Monday, March 30, 2020 – Day 17 of Quarantine

I am starting my third week. They are now saying that this won’t even peak until April 22. Assuming that the downward slope is similar to the upward one, this won’t be over until near the end of May.

I don’t think I’ll make it.

We made another grocery run on Saturday. We went out first thing in the morning and still didn’t find any toilet paper. We got a couple of steaks and a lot of ground beef (we make meatloaf out of half of it tonight) and the usual assortment of veggies and frozen stuff. I’m not eating the frozen stuff yet, just keeping it in the freezer in case things get really bad over the next month or two.

And if the power goes out? Well, if it gets to that point, we are well and truly screwed anyway.


I got a game or two in using Tabletop Simulator with my local gaming group on Friday. I had to cut out a bit early because Becky was trying to sleep, and I had to quit making noise. But it was fun. Then I got in my last session (for a while) of Ultraviolet Grasslands on Saturday with the Gauntlet.

The Gauntlet is having a game weekend on the second weekend of April. I said I’d run a Delta Green session for them. We’ll see how that goes. I’ll post more here later.

I also had to do some other stuff on Saturday. Well, yard work. I cut the grass for the first time this year and knocked down another section of the fence to make it easier for the AT&T people to hook up the fiber when they get here on Friday.

And I played so much Destiny 2. I finally got through a bunker and got access to a Heroic Lost sector.

Which had a recommended Level of 1000? I’m only 968. I’ve never been one-shotted by NPCs that often in the game, ever.

Overload Champions can DIAF. Seriously.


My parents also asked me to get some groceries for them. They’re 87, and I don’t want them to go out unless they have to. Mom is fine staying in their condo (I think she would be happier if she could stay there), but Dad isn’t dealing with it so well.

We had to get mad at them when we dropped the groceries off because they both kept trying to get close to us. We don’t have C19 (I don’t think), but at their age, it isn’t worth risking it. I think they were both confused as to what we were saying, but whatever.


We also got some more food for Missy, our dog. Missy is around 18 and has to be on a special diet, which we have to get from the vet. The vet wouldn’t let us in the building. We called them from the parking lot, and they brought the food out and put it in the car without us getting near each other. Weird, but I guess that’s the way things are now.

And it will be this way for probably another eight weeks. Did I say that already?

Last Monday, we had 772 cases here in Georgia. Right now, we have 3,032. That’s a 400% increase in one week. And this won’t peak for another three weeks?

This isn’t good.


As for work, I’m still plugging along. I’m still having trouble with my docking station, causing my monitors to start blinking on-and-off. It seems to happen if the system goes to sleep, so I have to be careful not to be gone too long to take a bio break or for lunch. It’s annoying.

And I did feel as if I made some progress today, even if it doesn’t look like much. I’ve got my database fully deploying and my configuration scripts running. I’m just having trouble accessing it—permissions issues of some kind.

I also can’t get into the production system anymore, even though I used to be able to. I don’t know what is happening there. I’m going to need some help with that one.


Anyway, that’s my brain dump for today. Seventeen days. How long before the madness sets in?

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