Monday, March 23, 2020 – Day 10 of Quarantine
I am starting on week 2. The surrealness of this is beginning to set in. I haven’t been anywhere except for the house or the grocery store in over a week. I always thought that I would be ok with staying inside all the time, but this is starting to get to me.
We did go to the grocery store again Saturday and picked up some more things. Enough for most of a week anyway. The paper aisle is still cleared out, and a few other areas are low, but that seems to be the main thing missing.
I played an RPG on-line on Saturday, using video chat and a bunch of Google pages. It was recorded and posted out on YouTube. I’ll maybe link it somewhere later.
There are all kinds of ridiculous stuff going on, though. It looks like there was a government briefing on how bad this would be a month or so ago, and a bunch of senators who were there sold a bunch of their stock just before things went south. Including one of ours from Georgia. They didn’t bother to tell anyone else, though. Of course, everyone will forget about that once all of this is over.
The governor also ordered all bars and restaurants closed (except for takeout) and told everyone who was “medically fragile” to stay home. Whatever that means. He didn’t lock everything down.
I see there are 772 cases in Georgia. There were 620 yesterday. That’s not a disturbing percentage increase.
Still working on ElasticSearch and Terraform at work. Or I am trying to. I’m not making much progress. I suspect I’m having problems with permissions. I’ll keep working on it.
And I’ve survived ten days of quarantine now. I’m a bit unhappy, though. I would have thought that I could use this time to get caught up on some of the things I’ve wanted to work on, but all I’ve been doing is playing a lot of Destiny 2.
The good news is I’m making fairly good season progress. The bad news is that it is reminding me that I am really, really bad at Destiny 2.
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